In 1993, The New Yorker magazine published the cartoon “On the Internet, Nobody Knows You’re a Dog” by artist Peter Steiner. More than two decades later, this simple illustration continues to highlight the double-edged sword that is the internet’s ability to widely spread information effortlessly. This is a powerful force multiplier for both good and evil, even more so if the information is wrong, or worse, deliberately misleading with no way to hold anyone accountable for the malicious activity. A few years back I wrote about how easy it was to misinform “the public” resulting in adverse consequences, a trend that seemingly culminated into a highly effective political strategy of deliberately spreading false or misleading stories on Facebook and other social media platforms. Unfortunately, fake news purveyors are upping their game and have now descended to building counterfeit websites that ape actual, legitimate news organizations, hoping to further obfuscate research into an article’s legitimacy now that social media news readers have become a little more savvy.
How does an average citizen tell the real from the fake?
As you might have already noticed, conning someone via the internet has become increasingly more likely and common. Where before we could roll our eyes at obvious spam emails filled with broken English and ridiculous schemes, our mailboxes and social media accounts are flooded with well-funded and cleverly disguised content that appears legitimate, and because no one has the time investigate every single thing we receive, we take the most expedient path to discovery – we click and consume without engaging some critical reasoning, the internet equivalent of finding out if milk is bad by taking a swig before giving it the sniff test. Unfortunately for us, clicking a bad link or passing along a fake news story will result in way worse consequences than a mouthful of sour milk. Dealing with bad milk is easy – toss that carton in the trash – but how do you hold accountable someone (who might or might not be a figurative dog) on the internet?
All hope is not lost. While it may be misleading to fear that anyone can remain completely anonymous on the internet, it’s actually still difficult to accomplish this. Maybe less so when you have the backing of a nation-state and an army of hackers whose full-time job is to cause disruption through fake news, but the tool they use, the internet, still sees and tracks everything, and spreads the truth just as freely and quickly as the false information. For now it will be a competition to see who can spread information more effectively, and the only way good prevails if we the audience engage our brains to the fullest whenever we take a dip in the currently muddy waters of the internet.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
[…] As always, stay vigilant, even paranoid, in these less secure times. Be on the lookout for scams exploiting the FUD created by this breach, and NEVER give out your personal information to anyone who calls you directly unless (a) you contacted them first, and (b) you verify they are who they say they and they are legitimate. There is never a better time to rely on the experts in the business, but you should work with people you trust. Don’t have a trusted lawyer, financial adviser or IT professional? Ask someone who you trust if they know someone, and then ask another person you trust for someone else. Don’t be afraid to ask for references, and in the case of licensed or certified professionals, it’s never rude to ask for credentials, especially if you can’t meet them in person. As you know, “On the internet, nobody knows that you’re a fake.” […]
[…] and spreading awareness comes largely through posting on Facebook. But as I have repeatedly said over many years, the Internet makes it increasingly difficult to separate fact from fiction, and […]