If there’s anything I’ve learned in the 30-odd years working in technology, it’s that I am terrible at predicting where technology is going next. When I was younger and considerably more optimistic, I had hoped for a world where technology would help us to replace both the dangerous and hideously mundane jobs allowing us more time to engage in loftier pursuits. While it has definitely done plenty to automate the mundane and make things much safer, it has also helped profit-driven companies amass vast fortunes even while the rest of us struggle with increasing costs and diminishing quality of life. It has given equal footing or even an advantage to those who would exploit others for personal gain, while seemingly making it even more complicated for those of us just trying life a peaceful, compassionate life. If I were a billionaire, you can bet there would be some things I would attempt to change, but as I’m not, all I can do is hope certain things come to pass.
Here’s my wish list for 2024
- I’d like to see social media platforms take some responsibility for their power. Likelihood: Possible, but maybe not this year.
- I’d like our Government to take more interest in keeping us safe technologically. Likelihood: In the works, but could be dismantled by politics.
- I’d like to see everyone take more interest in privacy and security. Likelihood: Slowly, slowly happening.
- I’m praying for a breakthrough in identity authentication. Likelihood: Unlikely, it seems.
- I’d really like to see an increase in technology quality control. Likelihood: Not happening this year.
- A breakthrough social media platform focused on lifting humans up instead of winning 15 seconds of fame. Likelihood: Probably not this year.
- Technology that is easy to understand and safe to use for everyone, especially the elderly. Likelihood: Improving, but still a long, long way to go.
Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay