Technology News for Busy People

Per a recent updated report from the FBI and CISA, the telecomm hacks that had been previous announced (and most likely missed amidst the election and holidays) are now being regarded as much worse than previously thought, and that there is no anticipated ETA as to when the hackers can be evicted from the various

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23andMe and You, again

Ever since they were hacked in 2023, genetics and ancestry website 23andMe has been more or less moribund, going from a high of $16 per share to $0.29 today and the resignation of their entire board of directors last month. When we last wrote about them in December of last year, the beleaguered DNA testing

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Privacy sign

Driver’s License on your phone?

California is one of 7 states participating in a pilot program that allows drivers to store their license on their phone in their Apple or Google wallet. California’s rollout is part of a larger project called “Digital ID Framework” which lays the groundwork for a much broader implementation of identification that is intended to supplement

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After a lovely Labor Day weekend spent grilling, eating and celebrating with friends, I received an email early Tuesday morning from a worried client who was sent a very upsetting email over the weekend. It greeted them by name and opened with a single sentence, “I know that visiting [client’s address] would be a more

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I’ve been doing technology support long enough to tell you that many of the problems that people experience with computers are self-inflicted. I even have clients who truly believe they have a little black cloud hanging over them every time they sit down in front of a computer, and having witnessed their track records first-hand,

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The past few days I’ve been working with several clients who are in various stages of being compromised or having their online accounts attacked. The recent surge of activity is possibly related to the recent RockYou2024 “publication” wherein a file containing nearly 10 billion passwords was posted to a popular online hacking forum on July

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